Religious Fundamentalism on the Rise in Nepal

Nepal religious fundamentalism

Religious Fundamentalism in Nepal

Persecution in Nepal is on the rise with a marked increase in the number of cases of churches being burnt down, pastors and evangelists who have been assaulted or imprisoned, and their homes demolished.  Recently a pastor known to Frontlines was stoned and violently assaulted for distributing Bibles.  Also known to us, a church was burnt down in an attempt to scare the Christian community to stop meeting for worship. These are not just isolated incidents but comprise several coordinated incidents taking place in the months of March and April this year.

Hindu fundamentalism is gaining intensity in the country spurred by neighboring India’s religious nationalism. Nepal’s 2015 Constitution prohibits religious conversion and a new criminal code enacted in August 2018 stipulates for up to five years in prison for conversion or proselytization. This law is being increasingly used to oppose Christians and arrest pastors arbitrarily.

These legal restrictions not only curtail the fundamental right to religious freedom but also contribute to an environment where religious minorities are vulnerable to persecution and violence. Among other incidents last month, a group of seven Australians was violently confronted for attempting to convert locals to Christianity. They were detained for 48 hours in the capital city and subsequently deported. Four Nepali Christians who were accompanying them were also arrested and charged with criminal activity. They were later released with a hefty bail amount and await trial. 

There is an urgent need for support and prayer for persecuted Christians in Nepal. Frontlines was able to step in to support the pastor who was injured severely while distributing Bibles and Christian literature. He was helped with medical expenses and was very thankful for prayers of protection for him and his family.

Your support enables the urgent needs of persecuted Christians to be met promptly and helps believers in the country know that they are cared for by a wider body of Christ. Despite the rise of radical Hinduism, Nepal’s census reveals that Christianity has risen from 0.1 to 1.76 percent of the total population, though the unofficial numbers are as high as more than 4 percent of the country’s population. Many are turning to find Jesus in this mountain country nestled in the Himalayas.

Please Pray

    • For Nepalese believers who are being targeted by Hindu fundamentalists.
    • Pray for their faith to be strengthened despite the opposition they are facing.
    • Pray for legal and other support systems to be available to Christians who are facing criminal charges for the sole reason of sharing their Christian faith. Pray for protection from harm.

Frontlines International is a ministry that stands alongside those who live dangerously as they serve to bring the light of Jesus Christ to their communities.



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Frontlines International, is a ministry serving the persecuted church around the world. Our website serves as a strategic brief to capture key issues that must be considered early on.  

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