A Mafia Missionary

Missionary, Afghanistan, Christian

A Mafia Missionary

Sharif grew up in a strict Muslim family in the heart of turbulent Afghanistan. After he came to know the Lord, he had a deep burden to share the truth about Jesus with his loved ones and others in his town. It was very risky, but he prayed to the Lord for wisdom and anointing to be able to share the Gospel at the right time.

The political situation at the time was in an upheaval as the Taliban were swiftly consolidating their control over the country and by the time the US and NATO forces were scheduled to withdraw their troops in August 2021, the radical terrorist group completely took control of the nation.  

The political takeover caused a massive exodus of Afghans to the neighboring countries, fearing for their lives if they stayed. Sharif along with his family was able to flee to safety.  He soon joined a church and for the first time met a large number of believers!

Answering the call

Sharif was passionate about sharing the Gospel, and the church leaders saw that he had a real gift.  They prayed and felt led that he should be sent to minister and share the Gospel with all the Afghan refugees. Sure enough, Sharif was enthusiastic, and the Holy Spirit enabled him to be a witness for the Gospel and he led many Afghans to faith in Jesus Christ.

However, due to the lack of jobs in the area, many of the refugees were working for the local mafia involved in the drug trade. When these Afghan refugees accepted Christ, their eyes were opened to do that which was right in the sight of the Lord, and they refused to continue working for the mafia drug lords.

This angered the Mafia leader as he lost a lucrative and cheap labor source and found out that Sharif was responsible for leading these people away from him. Sharif was rounded up by his men and beaten very badly. They believed that this would scare Sharif away and he would not be seen in the area anymore.

Sharif went back to his church and reported what had happened, uncertain of what to do next. His church leaders were thankful that God spared his life, and they saw that he had led so many families to know the Lord. They felt the work amid the refugees was not finished yet, so they sent Sharif back once more.

The Lord gave Sharif much favor, and many more Afghan families came to know the Lord. However, seeing him return despite the warning, the Mafia drug leader had him beaten up once again. Sharif was forced to leave and went back to his church to ask them what he should do.

Persevering through persecution

The church leaders sent him back once more, believing that the Lord was directing them as countless new Afghan families were arriving as refugees. This time Sharif went back with fear and hesitation, but God was with him in this journey. When the Mafia leader got to know that he was back yet again, he requested to meet with him. He was amazed to see that despite the severe beatings Sharif chose to return, not caring for his own life.

Sharif accepted the mafia leader’s offer to talk and cautiously agreed to meet him at a local cafe. When they sat down, the mafia leader was uncharacteristically somber, his usual bravado replaced by a sense of worry. He explained to Sharif that ever since he had ordered the beatings, his life had taken a turn for the worse. His business was struggling, and he was constantly on edge, fearing that something worse might befall him. His son had fallen gravely ill, and the doctors couldn’t determine the cause.

Sharif listened patiently, his heart breaking for the man who had caused him so much pain. When the mafia leader asked for forgiveness, Sharif did not hesitate. “I forgive you in the name of Jesus,” he said. “We are called to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. I believe that Jesus can heal your son and bring peace to your life.”

The mafia leader’s eyes softened, and he invited Sharif to visit his son in the hospital. Sharif agreed, knowing that this was a unique opportunity to demonstrate God’s love and power. When they arrived, the boy was lying in a hospital bed, surrounded by anxious family members. Sharif prayed for him, asking God to heal the child and show His grace to the family.

Witnessing a miracle

The next day, the boy’s condition improved significantly, leaving the doctors baffled. The mafia leader was astounded and grateful, his hardened heart beginning to thaw. He saw something in Sharif’s faith that he wanted for himself, a sense of hope and compassion that was unfamiliar in his violent world. He thanked Sharif and said, “From now on, you can talk to the Afghans here. I will not send anybody to bother you anymore.” 

Word spread among the Afghan refugees that the mafia leader had given Sharif his blessing. This allowed Sharif to work more freely, sharing the Gospel with everyone he met. The community began to change as more and more people embraced the message of Jesus. The church grew, and Sharif’s story became a beacon of hope in a troubled region.

Sharif never forgot the danger he faced, but he knew that God had a purpose for him. The journey wasn’t easy, but it was filled with moments of grace and transformation. As he continued to minister among the refugees, he did so with a heart full of gratitude and a deep commitment to spreading the love of Christ to those in need.


Prayer Points:

  • Pray for God’s special protection over Sharif and all those involved in ministering to refugees in dangerous environments. Ask for courage, wisdom, and discernment as they navigate challenging situations and face great risks.
  • Pray for healing and reconciliation in communities where drugs and crime have caused brokenness. Specifically, ask for God’s healing touch on those who have been physically or emotionally harmed, and for His peace to transform the hearts of those involved in promoting illegal activities.
  • Pray that the Gospel would continue to spread among the Afghan diaspora. Ask for open hearts and receptive spirits, for more people to come to know Jesus, and for the growth and strengthening of the church.

Frontlines International is a ministry that stands alongside those who live dangerously as they serve to bring the light of Jesus Christ to their communities.



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Box #2755,
Lutz FL 33548.


Frontlines International, is a ministry serving the persecuted church around the world. Our website serves as a strategic brief to capture key issues that must be considered early on.  

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