Annual Report 2022

Dear Christian friend and partner,

This past year has been incredible in the increase of both resource and opportunity to serve the cause of Christ and those who suffer for their faith. Because of your faithful prayers, generous giving, and active participation, Frontlines International was able to assist the Church of our Lord Jesus in some unexpected ways. Bible distribution is the largest part of what we currently do. We are convinced that God’s Word reveals truth and gives life that can be found in no other place. Providing Bibles for followers of Christ and others who are seeking truth and considering Christ is essential. Making Bibles and New Testaments available in areas of the world hostile to Jesus is risky and expensive for those who undertake the work. But in the past year God has provided financial resource and faithful believers willing to risk and sacrifice that allowed the distribution of over 90,000 copies of full Bibles and New Testaments and 15,000 children’s Bibles. Some of these were printed secretly in closed countries.Others Where printed and arried borders, smuggled into areas secretly, that the Church might be strengthened and the kingdom advanced. We are still working on the distribution of about 50,000 Bibles and New Testaments in January-Febuary to complete the projects we started in 2022.
6 Essential Needs for Pastors

One of the most impressive elements of Bible distribution this past year was the number of people that were willing to travel, at their own expense, to ensure Bibles were made available to those with need. Twenty individuals partnered with Frontlines. They funded their airfare, lodging, meals, and ground transportation to go to some of the most difficult places to travel, in order to deliver God’s Word. In the process they encouraged those they encountered and were encouraged in their faith as well. This is how the Body of Christ works. The needs of God’s people being met by the resources God provides His people. Faith strengthened for all involved.

God allowed us to assist and support His persecuted church in other material ways. Frontlines International aims to serve persecuted Christians worldwide and with whatever support they need to stand and bear fruit despite the persecution they are facing. Our approach is holistic. The following are examples of other opportunities God provided last year.


One sewing school in Pakistan graduated twenty-four women after a year’s training. As they learned how to sew garments, blankets, and other items, they were being discipled. Some who knew Christ were strengthened in their faith. Others who did not know Jesus came to faith. At the end of their training they all received a sewing machine of their own to employ their skills in the support of their family. Sewing rescued them from abuse at the hands of household heads who held them in the lowest regard.

During the catastrophic flooding in Pakistan this past summer we helped support 150 families washed from their homes. Food, medicine, and clean drinking water were made available. More importantly, the medical and material assistance was rendered in the name of Jesus. The Gospel was made known.

Please pray for the pastors and leaders who oversee this work, those with whom we partnered. Pray that God will give them strength and resource to continue to advance His Kingdom in difficult places unfriendly to followers of Jesus.

God, allowing us to work with His church, directed us in assistance to refugee families from Afghanistan, providing safe housing, food, clothing, funds, and the knowledge that they are known and cared for by their brothers and sisters in other parts of the world. Discipleship and pastoral training took place in India and Central Asia where pastors traveled from closed countries and prepared to return to build God’s Church in areas hostile to the Gospel.

We were privileged to help hundreds of refugee children in the Middle East with schooling that they had been permanently deprived of. The schooling program offers quality education and does so in an evangelical Christian setting. Most of these children are from another faith background and almost all of them have come to living faith in Jesus in the schooling program. And not just them. Siblings and even parents are coming to living faith too!

Through our partners in the region, we stood with dozens of Christians in the Middle East facing severe persecution. We assisted them with legal aid when they faced court cases or were imprisoned, in (temporary) relocation within the region, in finding them new jobs and in practically or financially supporting their families.

We invested in research and encouragement visits to a range of countries in the Middle East and the wider Muslim world, connecting and strengthening partnerships, and identifying main needs and project opportunities. In 2023 we will continue to invest and build and will report on the fruit of this labor soon!

So many of those who have chosen to work with Frontlines International do so as volunteers. All who are part of the team at Frontlines have sacrificed to serve. God has been so generous in providing expertise in every area required at just the right moment.

These are just a few of the opportunities of the past year. God continues His great work! Please pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ who live in places where persecution is a way of life. Pray that God will give them the strength to endure. Pray as well that God will give us all their strength of example as we live in ways that honor God, exalt our Savior Jesus, strengthen His Church, and expand His Kingdom

To God’s great honor and glory,
Charles White,

Frontlines International is a ministry that stands alongside those who live dangerously as they serve to bring the light of Jesus Christ to their communities.


18489 US Highway 41 N,
Box #2755,
Lutz FL 33548.


Frontlines International, is a ministry serving the persecuted church around the world. Our website serves as a strategic brief to capture key issues that must be considered early on.  

© 2023 Frontlines International. All rights reserved.
