We INFORM and engage the church to care about persecution.
The church is the bride of Christ and how God has chosen to manifest Himself to the world today. The global church is comprised of every follower of Christ who is called to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the world today. Frontlines International has been called to serve the church wherever persecution is a clear and present danger.

We SERVE the persecuted church around the world.
The Apostle Paul informed the church of widespread persecution of Christians and asked followers of Christ to help their brothers and sisters in need. The needs are still here. That’s why Christians and churches around the world must know that persecution does exist in the 21st Century so every kind of resource — prayer support; financial and material support, and international support — can flow directly and quickly to need.
We PREPARE the global church for coming persecution.
Jesus told his disciples that they would be persecuted (John15:19-20). And we know that believers following Jesus today will be persecuted. This persecution deepens the church’s character and boosts the trust these Christians have in God. We are inspired by that brave example and tell their story far and wide to prepare the global church for coming persecution.